Articles By This Author

IT Outstaffing\ Offshoring Services: Benefits for Your Business

Для воплощения бизнес-идеи в жизнь часто требуется, чтобы малые и средние предприятия, стартапы или предприятия нанимали опытную команду для успешной реализации своих проектов. Но они могут столкнуться с серьезной проблемой, связанной с нехваткой технических специалистов. Например, Гапер  К счастью, выбор услуг ИТ-аутстаффинга/офшоринга может помочь организациям дополнить свою существующую команду необходимым опытом. Ниже мы разберем основы […]

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Why companies don’t need juniors

Why is it difficult for junas to get an offer in 2022? So let’s go through briefly: Companies are focused on results in a certain period. It is important for them to complete projects here and now. Now the market is struggling for experienced developers, no one wants to mess with newcomers. Junes are expensive. […]

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TIME TO FILL IS THE MAIN CRITERION When deciding whether to engage an IT recruitment agency for your employee search, first answer the question: how long have you been unable to fill the vacancy? It takes about three weeks to fill a typical IT vacancy. If you have been searching for a specialist for longer […]

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IT Recruitment Agency vs In-house Recruitment: What to Choose in a Crisis?

The current economy is experiencing another global crisis, and many people feel anxious. Every business is trying to find ways to optimize their expenses in order to not only survive this period but also continue to grow. When it comes to hiring IT personnel, the opinion of “it’s expensive, better to do it in-house” is […]

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